Comment from Ryan (General Manager of a Building Division) “I’m Reading Entre Leadership by Dave Ramsey. Defending against mediocrity. I have allowed my standards to be lowered. Apologized to the team. We can’t allow circumstances to rule and reign over us. “
Wow! Tough comment but great insight for a young, up and coming leader. In these most difficult times in history. Unprecedented challenges. A pandemic. World supply chain issues. A shortage of talent to hire. Bad news on every corner, you can get sucked into looking at the circumstances. You fall prey to the fear and begin to change your focus, your drive, your determination from who we are and what we do to just trying to survive.
‘Ryan shared at our last coaching session that as he was reading Entre Leader by Dave Ramsey he was reminded of who he was, what he was about and what he was trying to achieve. He realized he had lost focus. He had taken his eyes off what was important. Of the mission, goals and impact he is called to make. Does that sound familiar? Our response should not be “Oh Know, we are not going to make it. It is too hard. It just won’t work anymore.” Our response should be just like Ryan’s response. Call the team together. Apologize to the team for being distracted and not leading like you should. And confess, we will not let circumstances rule and reign over us. Yes! We will NOT let circumstances rule and reign over us!
Refocus yourself. Recommit to the journey. Assemble the team, apologize and start over. Remind yourself of what we are trying to do. What we are trying to achieve. What impact we are called to make and then GO! Erase the board, look outside the box and try something new. Push through what has always worked and move to what might work that we have never tried before.
You got this! Raise those standards back up to even higher than before. You can do this! Go crush it this week!
If you need help unpacking the challenges, let me know.