We need to develop a confident trust in the journey and the process. Remember the great reward it brings you! Patient endurance is what you need now. Then you will receive the benefits of trusting the process and patiently enduring the challenges to receive the results you plan and work for.
Confident trust. This can be a tough one. That trust that everything will be ok can be a hard place to stay. The biggest challenge almost all of us have is that voice in our head. Our voice in our head. You know that voice. The one that tells you, you don’t have enough experience. That voice that tells you you don’t have a degree. That voice that says you don’t make enough money, you don’t have the right job, the right friends. That is the voice we need to manage.
We need to take control of that voice and tell it to be quiet. Over 99% of what we fear never happens. We can do it! We are enough! We do deserve it! We can make it happen! Trust your trust! Have some faith. Commit. Stay the course. You got this!
We need to develop a confident trust in the journey and the process. Let’s take the month of December and set aside a full day to think about this past year. These last 2 years. What was good? What was not so good? Where can I improve and grow? Write down where I want to be on December 31, 2022. Write down where I want to be on December 31 of 2024. Now, let’s go get it!
You got this. Let me know if you need any help unpacking your journey. Bmink@choiceconsultingman.com
Order a copy of my book Choices to help you on your journey.