“The smallest action always surpasses the greatest intention.”
John Maxwell from his book “No Limits”
Had a great conversation with a CFO/COO last week. (Keep up the good work Russ). He mentioned he was reading a new book he had been given and one of the statements that really impacted him was a comment about action. Any action is better than no action.
It is impossible to get where you want to go if you do not take a step. Even if we take the wrong step we at least get new insights or clarity on what not to do or where not to go, that helps us take a better step next time. The good book tells us that faith without works is dead. Effort with no movement is standing still. There is no movement or results with good intentions.
Great company owners understand that they would rather have people on their team that take initiative, try to move things forward and take a risk, even if they fail. What we as owners and leaders do not like to have on the team is the person that is always waiting. Waiting for the perfect plan. Waiting for 100% completion of all metrics and numbers. Waiting for one more meeting to confirm what was decided last meeting. Waiting because of the fear of making a mistake or the fear of someone not liking them or the fear of someone thinking they can’t do their job. FEAR! The two words I really can’t stand. Fear and Waiting! We will not achieve our goals or impact if we wait or are afraid to make the decision. We will not even be moving toward our goals and impacts if we are waiting and afraid.
What can we do?
- Confirm we are empowering our team to take risk. Confirm it is OK to fail every now and then as long as we are trying to move things forward
- Confirm our culture and leadership empower people to own their jobs and are held accountable for their results or lack of results. The leadership team must also hold themselves accountable for their results, lack of results and leadership.
- Make sure we are measuring results so we can confirm if we are moving toward the desired outcome and if not, we need to meet and pivot.
- Begin pouring into the self starting/ motivated team members and encouraging them.
- Begin identify the “Waiting” players and coach them or move them off the team to a place where they would be a better fit.
You got this! Begin leading by example and taking action and then begin encouraging those on the team that are taking initiative.
Remember: “The smallest action always surpasses the greatest intention.”
Check out “The Ideal Team Player” by Patrick Lencioni