April 16, 2023

Knowledge + Application = Life Change

Knowledge + Application = Life Change

Great line from Pastor Michael Shreve.

For me, it reminds me that all the reading, blogging, listening, growing and investing in my journey can be fruitless if I do not apply what I’m learning to my everyday life. To my family. To my relationships. To my business and clients. The good book tells us that faith without works is dead. For me, I need to put actions to what I’m learning. If I have all the book knowledge and training but I do not apply, it I am stuck. I keep doing what I have always done but I expect different results. You got it! That is Insanity!

So, let’s try it. Let’s take a comment or suggestion from our coworker, boss, spouse, supplier, vendor, competitor, coach or trainer, and try it. Let’s try something new. Let’s apply some of what we have been learning to our current paradigm and see what happens. I know it is scary. I know we are unsure. I know we have never done it this way so it might not work, but I can tell you the voice of fear and holding back because we are afraid may not be the best voice to be listening to.  But, if you want to see a change. If you want to see better results. If you want to push out of where we are stuck into new opportunities and new paradigms, we need to take a chance. Let’s try it!!

Knowledge + Application = Life Change

Let’s push to see the changes we desire! Let’s take what we are learning and feeling, apply it, and see if it might take us to brand new heights. You got this!!

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