August 27, 2024

Practice Makes Perfect

I’m sure we have all heard the old saying, “Practice Makes Perfect”. We usually think of this saying as it applies to being successful or making great progress. We need to realize that our “Practice” can apply to bad habits or processes as well. The good book tells us that you reap what you sew. If you are practicing the wrong behaviors and the wrong responses, you will get really good at crushing the people and results around you.

If you really want to start making a positive impact and moving you and your team to better results, we need to begin to practice new and better habits. Here are a few areas you can begin working on this week that can you help take you to the next level in your leadership and impact.

  1. Make others feel safe.
  2. Make decisions, less waiting.
  3. Communicate expectations.
  4. Challenge people to think.
  5. Be accountable to others.
  6. Lead by example.
  7. Measure and reward performance.
  8. Provide continuous feedback.
  9. Properly allocate and deploy talent.
  10. Ask questions, seek counsel.
  11. Solve problems; Avoid procrastination.
  12. Positive energy & Positive Attitude.
  13. Be a great teacher.
  14. Invest in relationships.
  15. Genuinely enjoy responsibilities.

You got this! Let’s start practicing new impactful attitudes and see what results these new seeds we are planting can create!!

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