December 23, 2019


“Growth is what separates living things from dying things”. Great line from Great Leaders Grow by Blanchard and Miller.

Do you realize how much area this statement covers? How about the church you are attending? Are you seeing growth weekly, monthly, yearly? How about the company you work for? Is the company growing monthly or yearly? How about the department you work in? Is your group growing every week? Every month? Every year? How about you? Are you growing weekly, monthly, yearly?

“Growth is what separates living things from dying things”. So, if the answer to any of the questions above is no, what does that say about our church? Our company? Our department? Ourselves? Should these things be growing? How do we grow? How much growth should we be seeing everyday? Great questions! These are these kinds of questions you should be asking yourself everyday.

Remember, Choices Create Change. So starting next week begin to look at your church or your company or yourself and begin to ask yourself about how we are growing. Then, choose to help things to start growing. Reading, looking at your numbers, salvations, attendance, profits, sales, etc., talk to your team mates, talk with your pastor, talk with your family. Why? We need to grow!

“Growth is what separates living things from dying things”

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