We can always find someone saying what we want to hear.
Isn’t it interesting how everyone can always find someone that will tell them what they want to hear. Someone that will back up their beliefs or their opinions? My coaching would be that we always strive to find the truth. We really shouldn’t be that interested in proving we are right or in finding facts to back up what we are trying to convince you is right. My opinions is not nearly as important as the truth.
If we could climb down out of the high chair we have put ourselves in to make us look a little better, a little higher a little smarter and come back down to earth and try to find out what the real meaning is, what is really going on, what the truth is we would help ourselves and everyone else around you.
Seven Habits of Highly Effective People says seek first to understand then to be understood. I’m not sure I’ve ever read a book that teaches us to push our agenda first, make sure everyone knows you are right and be sure everyone knows how smart and put together you are. That may be a new book to be written. The Seven Habits of Highly Ineffective and Irriating People.
We can always find someone saying what we want to hear but let’s stop trying and seek truth and understanding!