August 26, 2024

Being Better

Have you ever felt like you weren’t good enough? That you would probably never progress to the place you desire. That new job. That new position. That business you want to start. Be careful of listening to the voice of “Your not good enough!” Condemning yourself is not the right filter.

Sometimes there are companies or organizations that do a good job training but good training is rare. I would suggest if you are not growing then you are shrinking. If you are not reading or listening to books from people that have already made the mistakes and learned a better way, then you may be trying to figure things out own your on. Trying to tackle growth, learning and getting better, by yourself is nearly impossible. You need to let other voices and influences into your situation to give you new perspectives and maybe even a little hope that you might just be able to do this.

The goal is baby steps of growth every week or every month. We often listen to the deceptive voice that tells you to suck it up, just power through, just work harder or longer. Those are not terrible thoughts but I know through experience that when I add other managers, leaders, authors, blogs, into my growth journey, I always come away with new thoughts, new strategies, new tools and a renewed excitement created by applying what I have learned to move me forward.

You got this! Don’t get caught in the trap of believing the negative voices. Find a mentor. Find a coach. Try some new books or podcast and begin your journey of being better!!

Maybe read “Talent is Never Enough” by John Maxwell.

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