From Magic Johnson at the International Builder Show opening ceremonies. “Don’t assume you will continue to stay the best. Sometimes we need to go back, refocus, adjust and pivot. Re-evaluate our process, our projections, our teams, our goals. Sometimes you…
Commencement Speech at Villanova University by Pulitzer Prize winning author Anna Quindlen “There will be hundreds of people out there with your same degree; there will be thousands of people doing what you want to do for a living. ….
The good book reminds us that “The tone of our words will shape the tone of our relationships.” I know I have been guilty of letting my passion come across as anger or attitude. I don’t know about you, but…
Coach Wooden, UCLA Bruins Coach. You don’t control the outcome, but you do control your preparation, you do control execution, you do control teamwork , and you do control effort. Just trust the process. Executive Toughness by Jason Selk Wow!…
The power of decisions. Great statement I heard from an exercise / life coach at a training session. This statement reminds us that our Choices Create Change. (Get a copy of my book Choices) Deciding is the first step…
Great insight from John Maxwell: All forward progress (anything that ever happens in your life and future comes from fresh vision). All fresh vision comes from hope (discouraged people don’t dream). Hope thrives when you focus on elevating these seven…
“If you don’t measure what you are doing, you won’t be able to get your great idea to give you the results you want.” John Maxwell from Change Your World Working with all types of clients all over the…
“I borrowed strength from my position and authority and forced her to do what I wanted her to do. But, borrowing strength builds weakness. It builds weakness in the borrower because it reinforces dependence on external factors to get things…
“In an organization, the physical dimension is expressed in economic terms. The mental or psychological dimension deals with recognition, development and use of talent. The social/ emotional dimension has to do with human relations, and how people are treated. And…
Give me land. Large tracts of land. Provide personal protection. Jabez (Great job Pastor Mo @ Mountain West Church) We need to see where we want to go and begin to pursue that. Consistently. Relentless pursuit through your process of…
I have the great honor of teaching a Master Class on Great Business Fundamentals at the International Builder Show in Orlando on Monday February 7. I’ll be team teaching with Fred Reikowsky of Legacy Biz Leaders. Here are the 9…