
It’s OK

I got a chance to watch a post on Facebook recently that was very impactful. ( Pastor Michael did a great job of reminding us it’s OK. In these uncertain and trying times we all respond and react differently to…

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Action Without Thought

Action without thought = Reaction Action with thought creates Response. Matt Hanish Heard a great statement last week. Action without thought = Reaction. Wow, have I been guilty of that statement. A lot of times I’m so focused on getting…

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Clutter steals our capacity Do you ever wonder why you seem to never get everything done? Your task list seems to keep growing but you don’t check off as many items as you hoped you would on a daily basis?…

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Taking the Monkey

Do you accept everyone’s monkeys? What in the world is a monkey? I know about the swinging in the trees eating banana type but at work? OH, you know what they are. Ever been trying to get your work done…

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“When opportunities come, its too late to prepare.” Stephen Covey Another great thought from Mr. Covey. I don’t know about you, but sometimes I struggle with working on things proactively. If you are like me, I have a long task…

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The Valley

The valley is just the next step to the next mountain top! Great perspective from a young man I was talking to recently. He said he had been going through some really tough times these past few months and life…

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Playing Small

“There is no passion to be found in playing small – in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.” Nelson Mandela I know that we may not feel like we have purpose…

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Good Intentions vs. Good Actions

From Change Your World by John Maxwell The differences between good intentions and good actions: People  with good intentions want to add value to others but find reasons not to do it People with good actions want to add value…

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Accountability Without Damage

Accountability Without Damage By Mike Kotsis   Many business leaders have worked hard to build their company’s culture, only to realize that they’ve created a culture without accountability. There’s a healthy work/life balance and employees enjoy being together, but productivity…

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Packard’s Law

“No business can grow faster than their people.” “No company can grow revenues consistently faster than its ability to get enough of the right people to implement that growth and still become a great company.”  Packard’s law Create a culture…

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Where We Start

“Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start.” Nido Qubein Great quote and powerful insight. Sometimes we get distracted and sometimes depressed by our current situation. But the question we need to ask …

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“Losses are inevitable, but excuses are optional.” Tim Hansel Ever try to overcome that nagging feeling of failure? You know, the one where we knew the results were going to be awesome. The one we knew we had in the…

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