We will do any what, if the why is big enough! I think clarity may be the number one issue facing companies, churches and individuals. We have not taken the time to look at where we are and where we…
Gifts and Passions! We see this every day where personalities, passions and giftings are being forced into circumstances where people are most certainly frustrated, depressed and dreading what they do. These choices will ruin a career, a marriage, a company…
“Don’t let what you can’t control waste your time.” Melvin Maxwell Here are a few things we can control from “No Limits’ by John Maxwell. ( https://store.johnmaxwell.com/No-Limits-Blow-the-Cap-Off-Your-Capacity-Hardcover_p_2793.html) Taking responsibility for the things we can control: My Attitude – I determine…
“The excellent fail more often than the mediocre. They begin more. They attempt more. They attack more. Mastery lives quietly atop a mountain of mistakes.” From “No Limits” by John Maxwell. (https://store.johnmaxwell.com/No-Limits-Blow-the-Cap-Off-Your-Capacity-Hardcover_p_2793.html) So after hearing this perspective I don’t feel…
I’m reading a great book. HQ, The Hope Quotient by Ray Johnston. It makes a very powerful statement. “Most of us are waiting on a change in circumstances, but what we really need is a change in perspective.” Do we…
“Emotional capacity is the ability to handle adversity, failure, criticism, change, and pressure in a positive way.” John Maxwell These challenges create a lot of stress in our life. The inability to deal with this stress crushes a lot of…
“You are strategically placed in the world to make a difference.” Great quote that really hits home. I know for me that sometimes it feels like I’m going through the motions. Same basic things everyday, nothing super exciting or life…