Our actions show who we really are not who we say we are. Have you ever heard a parent say “just do what I say”? Maybe it was about not smoking or not drinking or watching your language even though…
I need to act on my dream and form the details as I make the journey. John Maxwell says, “Jump and grow your wings on the way down.” I know for me, fear or the unknown is one of my…
From Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey “As we loosened up our old perception of our son and developed value-based motives, new feelings began to emerge. We found ourselves enjoying him instead of comparing or judging him….
From Hope Quotient by Ray Johnston All forward progress (anything great that happens in your life or future) comes from fresh vision! All fresh vision comes from hope (discouraged people don’t dream) Hope thrives when you focus on these 7…
Do you know where you are going? Individually, your department or your company? Do we know why we are going there? Do we know what the most important things we should be working on everyday? Why those things? Without Clarity,…
“I consider the success of my day based on the seeds I sow, not the harvest I reap.” Robert Lewis Stevenson What an awesome statement. I find in working with companies and leaders that this is one of my core…
The Law of the Lid John Maxwell John Maxwell shared with us what happens when leaders or managers try to be the filter or funnel that everything needs to flow through before moving forward. As an organization or department grows…
To be built to last you must be built to change. Jim Collins I don’t know about you but sometimes I think most of us struggle with change. It just seems easier and a whole lot less scary if things…
You can fail at what you do not love! You might as well fail at something you love! There are no guarantees so we let’s pursue what we love. What we are passionate about. What we were put on this…