Faith is the firm foundation under everything that makes life worth living. Pastor Michael Shreve Do we really believe we can do all things? Do we realize that tons of things over the last several hundred years were labeled as…
Heard a great lesson on the perspective of difficult times versus the really good times. Sometimes we refer to the bad times as valleys and the good times as mountain tops. There were some very interesting points I took away…
If you want great things out of your life, out of your finances, out of your marriage, with your kids, out of your career, you have to plant some great seeds. What are great seeds? I think one of the…
You don’t like what you are receiving, look at what you are sowing! Great thought! Do you find yourself ever asking yourself why do the good things always happen to them. It seems like that kind of stuff rarely comes…
The call is not perfection, it is aim! What an interesting thought. Do we think one day we will arrive if we do everything just right. ? Work hard. Practice. Read more. Learn more. Work longer. Work more. If we do…
Ever think that your journey and your story could be used to change someone’s life? I realize most of the time as we go through struggles, sometime significant, we usually end up focusing on our situation, our challenges and our…
Heard an amazing perspective from a Zoom meeting this week. The pivot challenge for enterprise leaders comes down to their ability to: * Inspire … not simply to spark ambition, but to kindle real belief in dreams realized. * Motivate … not…
“People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don’t believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can’t…
“Sometimes the size of our platform isn’t what matters, it is the quality, depth and impact.” Tony Dungy I don’t know about you but I often find myself thinking about doing more. Reaching more. Growing and increasing the size of…
Heard a great statement this week. “Feelings make poor leaders!” Wow did that hit home for me. I’m not sure about you but for me sometimes my feelings try to drive my direction, my decisions (or lack of) and even…