
Accountability without damage

By Mike Kotsis   Many business leaders have worked hard to build their company’s culture, only to realize that they’ve created a culture without accountability. There’s a healthy work/life balance and employees enjoy being together, but productivity isn’t as strong…

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Tension managed responsibly releases power

Tension managed responsibly releases power. When you think about this statement as it relates to machinery it makes total since. In a manufacturing plant if the tension on the belt is too tight it might break and shut down production….

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Be like us?

From Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey “As we loosened up our old perception of our son and developed value-based motives, new feelings began to emerge. We found ourselves enjoying him instead of comparing or judging him….

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Are you a Plus or a Minus

“In the end, we are all just pluses or minuses in the lives of others.” Stephen Covey Wow, this puts some perspective on our daily journey. Where do you find yourself in relationship to being a plus or a minus?…

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The Law of the Lid

The Law of the Lid John Maxwell John Maxwell shared with us what happens when leaders or managers try to be the filter or funnel that everything needs to flow through before moving forward. As an organization or department grows…

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What fruit are you producing?

You can’t change the fruit without changing the root. Stephen Covey Great thought from Mr. Covey. I think sometimes we are looking for results or impact but get frustrated because we are not seeing the results or impact we were…

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From my book Choices, Chapter 4

Gifts and Passions! We see this every day where personalities, passions and giftings are being forced into circumstances where people are most certainly frustrated, depressed and dreading what they do. These choices will ruin a career, a marriage, a company…

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Authentic Manhood

Robert Lewis created an organization called Men’s Fraternity back in the late 90’s. I have had the pleasure of leading men through this training several times and it is amazing, life changing stuff. The new revised program is called Series…

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Do we really know them?

One persons minutia is another persons mission? Stephen Covey Great line from 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. I know for myself I am totally guilty of using my filter not the filter of others. I’m sure you have been…

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Younger Next Year

So, speaking of your health, how are things going? New years resolutions, yearly goals, you know the drill. How are you doing on the getting in better shape, losing a few lbs and trying eat better? You do realize that…

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Change is Hard

Change is hard. Change really makes some people super nervous and frustrated. It is so much easier just to keep things like they have always been but if you are not changing, growing and moving forward you are sliding backwards….

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Clutter steals our capacity Do you ever wonder why you seem to never get everything done? Your task list seems to keep growing but you don’t check off as many items as you hoped you would on a daily basis?…

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