We judge ourselves by our intentions but we judge them on their actions. Great line from a sermon a few months back. (Check it out at mwchurch.com, marriage). It really hit home. We judge those around us or our spouse…
You can’t talk your way out of problems you behaved yourself into. Stephen Covey Have you ever heard someone say I just couldn’t help myself. They made me do it. It wasn’t my fault. All excuses for lack of accountability…
Significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. Stephen Covey In his book 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Covey shares the Personality Ethic where we act and…
What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us! Oliver Wendell Holmes Learning from our past, frustrated by our past or uncertain about the future or having great plans for the…
It’s not what happens to you but what happens in you. John Maxwell Great thought I heard this week on my Minute with Maxwell podcast. It reminded me that I don’t always have a lot of control over what happens…
Are you a hedgehog or a fox in business? ’The Hedgehog and the Fox’ by Isaiah Berlin describes how the world can be divided into two types. The wily fox is cunning and knows many things, using various complex strategies…
You don’t like what you are receiving, look at what you are sowing! Great thought! Do you find yourself ever asking yourself why do the good things always happen to them. It seems like that kind of stuff rarely comes…
FOUR ELEMENTS OF LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT Written by Chris White on May 16, 2019 LEADERSHIP MANAGEMENT HOW TO BE A GREAT BOSS There are thousands of books written about how to be an effective leader or manager and just as…
5 STEPS TO A GREAT SCORECARD Written by Ken DeWitt on February 14, 2019 SCORECARD VISION/TRACTION ORGANIZER A lot of EOS® companies struggle at the start of their journey with their Scorecard by trying to monitor too much information instead of focusing…
From Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey “As we loosened up our old perception of our son and developed value-based motives, new feelings began to emerge. We found ourselves enjoying him instead of comparing or judging him….
By Chris White All too often, leaders and team managers in business overlook the importance of celebrating small wins. Have you ever heard your boss say, “It’s about time this team made some progress?” I did in my early career…