

“Doubt begins to let the hope leak out”. Michael Shreve Have you ever been excited about something only to have someone tell you, “don’t get your hopes up this will probably never work”? Those few words just poked a very…

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The Journey

“Most of the time it as much about the journey as it is the results.” Great quote Pastor Michael. ( For me, I am usually more concerned about the outcome or results but I’m beginning to realize that sometimes the results…

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The Power of Decisions

The power of decisions. Great statement I heard from an exercise / life coach at a training session. This statement does remind us that our Choices Create Change. (Choices, my new book coming out later this year). Deciding is the…

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Life Killers!

From The Hope Quotient by Ray Johnston 5 life killers: Bitterness and resentment – nothing will keep you from looking forward and growing than when you are contstanly frustrated that somebody else got something better than you or things turned…

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My new book Choices will be coming out soon. It is the Choices we make that determine our direction. I heard a great statement yesterday. (Great Job Pastor Michael. ” If it is not a priority today, it will…

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When you change

When you change your thinking, you change your beliefs When you change your beliefs, you change your expectations When you change your expectations, you change your attitude When you change your attitude, you change your behavior When you change your…

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Younger Next Year!

So, speaking of your health, how are things going? New years resolutions, yearly goals, you know the drill. How are you doing on the getting in better shape, losing a few lbs and trying eat better? You do realize that…

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Often the search for the answer is just as valuable as the answer itself”. Great line from Great Leaders Grow by Blanchard and Miller. I recently had a conversation with a young man who was thinking about starting a new…

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Clutter steals our capacity! Do you ever wonder why you seem to never get everything done? Your task list seems to keep growing but you don’t check off as many items as you hoped you would on a daily basis?…

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Be like us?

From Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey “As we loosened up our old perception of our son and developed value-based motives, new feelings began to emerge. We found ourselves enjoying him instead of comparing or judging him….

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Excellence is a Habit

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit. Aristotle Ever thought of excellence as a habit?  Me either. But I must say now that I have had some time to process what Aristotle…

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One at a time

The way we do that is you. One relationship at a time. Heard a great statement today. Great stuff Ryan! When the customer ask how will you grow the business he said ,”The way we do that is you. One…

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