OPENING THE BOTTLENECK Written by Dean Breyley on February 4, 2019 EOS DELEGATE LEADERSHIP GROWTH Bottlenecked, gridlocked, congested – there are lots of ways to describe how it feels when a business gets stuck. We’ve all been there at some…
WHY YOU SHOULD NEVER IGNORE SILENCE IN A MEETING Written by Mike Kotsis on October 22, 2018 MEETINGS LEADERSHIP TEAMS COMPANY CULTURE EOS Assumptions are one of the most dangerous things on a business leadership team. Why? Because no one…
So often the problem is on the system, not on the people. If you put good people in bad systems, you get bad results. You have to water the flowers you want to grow Stephen covey I have heard it…
FROM DELEGATE TO ELEVATE Written by Jeanet Wade on January 24, 2019 DELEGATE ACCOUNTABILITY CHART INTEGRATOR EOS Do you ever get stuck on how to delegate effectively? Have you ever considered that delegation can be done creatively? Elevate To Your…
You can make a difference! Had a great conversation with a friend of mine last night. His current job was very challenging and even discouraging. Very difficult to even go to work everyday. He made an observation that he felt…
Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together. Vincent Van Goth The journey to greatness is made up of many small things over time. To achieve something great rarely takes place over…
BE PART OF THE 8% WHO SUCCEED! Written by Chris Naylor on January 3, 2019 EOS GOALS VISION/TRACTION ORGANIZER It’s that time of year when there’s a lot of buzz about New Year’s resolutions. But with all the excitement and…
Don’t burn out, keep yourself fueled and aflamed. Cheerfully expectant. Great line from Romans 12. Sometimes I think we allow those around us to influence our journey. They might say things like, it wasn’t your fault, that was not fair, what…
Do you have too much on your plate? Feeling overwhelmed and unfocused at work? Juggling too many priorities? If so, now’s the time to schedule a Clarity Break! If you’re not doing them, you’re at a disadvantage – possibly missing opportunities to…
Metamorphosis – the process of transformation Are you happy with where you are in life? Are you where you had hoped you would be at this point in your journey? If not, 2019 should be our year of Metamorphosis. (Great…
I’m reading a great book. HQ, The Hope Quotient by Ray Johnston. It makes a very powerful statement. “Most of us are waiting on a change in circumstances, but what we really need is a change in perspective. Do we…
Many business leaders have worked hard to build their company’s culture, only to realize that they’ve created a culture without accountability. There’s a healthy work/life balance and employees enjoy being together, but productivity isn’t as strong as it should be…