I know we use these words as we talk about business or companies but do we realize these also apply to us as individuals? Maybe we don’t understand the impact of how we act, how we parent, how we work,…
Profligate – the waste of resources, recklessly extravagant. This one really hit home to me. It was from our sermon Sunday from 1 Peter 4. ( Great job Pastor Michael. http://mwchurch.com/) Do I really make the use of everything that has…
Culture Works by Kris Boesch These are good filters to see how your company or church is doing. 1. Supervisor – do your employees have positive perceptions of their supervisor? 2. Co-workers – do your employees have positive perceptions of…
The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities. Stephen Covey Great stuff. I know I’m totally guilty. Head down, focused, making things happen, checking boxes, kicking butt and taking names and then it…
The call is not perfection, it is aim! What an interesting thought. Do we think one day we will arrive? If we do everything just right. Work hard. Practice. Read more. Learn more. Work longer. Work more. If we do…
Tension managed responsibly releases power. When you think about this statement as it relates to machinery it makes total since. In a manufacturing plant if the tension on the belt is too tight it might break and shut down production….
“The way we do that is you!” One relationship at a time. Heard a great statement today. Great stuff Ryan! When the customer ask how will you grow the business he said ,”The way we do that is you. One…
Don’t burn out, keep yourself fueled and aflamed. Cheerfully expectant. Great line from Romans 12. Sometimes I think we allow those around us to influence our journey. They might say things like, it wasn’t your fault, that was not fair, what…
Success is on the far side of failure. TJ Watson Great quote! The question is what we choose to do after we fail. Give up? Get depressed? Have a pity party? Blame someone? I hope not. What we should do…
We can always find someone saying what we want to hear. Isn’t it interesting how everyone can always find someone that will tell them what they want to hear. Someone that will back up their beliefs or their opinions? My…
Coach Wooden, UCLA Bruins Coach. You don’t control the outcome, but you do control your preparation, you do control execution, you do control teamwork , and you do control effort. Just trust the process. Executive Toughness by Jason Selk Wow!…