A new philosophy might be, put staff first, your customer second and shareholders and profits third. Results, shareholders and profits do well, customers do better, employees are happier so you are happier. Culture Works by Kris Boesch Wow, I’m pretty…
Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together. Vincent Van Goth The journey to greatness is made up of many small things over time. To achieve something great rarely takes place over…
From Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey “As we loosened up our old perception of our son and developed value-based motives, new feelings began to emerge. We found ourselves enjoying him instead of comparing or judging him….
There are four dimensions in an organization: 1. Physical dimension – is the economic drivers 2. Mental / psychological – recognition, development and the use of talent 3. Social / emotional – human relationships and how people are treated 4….
I thought I would share a short section of my new book “Choices”. These few lines are from Chapter 2, Self(Clarity). Hope you enjoy. “As you process the impact and journey of your past, you will have the opportunity to…
If you want great things out of your life, out of your finances, out of your marriage, with your kids, out of your career, you have to plant some great seeds. What are great seeds? I think one of the…
You don’t like what you are receiving, look at what you are sowing! Great thought! Do you find yourself ever asking yourself why do the good things always happen to them. It seems like that kind of stuff rarely comes…
There is a story in the Bible about a guy named Nehemiah. Nehemiah felt like he should check on his home town. To his surprise it was devastated. Another country had come in and taken over and the place spiraled…
From The Hope Quotient by Ray Johnston 5 life killers: Bitterness and resentment – nothing will keep you from looking forward and growing than when you are contstanly frustrated that somebody else got something better than you or things turned…
It’s not what happens to us, but our response to what happens to us that hurts us. Ever heard someone say, “they make me so mad!” How about, ” they made me do it!” How about, ” I just could…
God is going to solve the worlds problems through you today! I don’t think we realize the power we have in our journey here on this earth. I don’t think we realize the impact we make as we live and…
It’s better to be wise than strong; intelligence outranks muscle any day. Strategic planning is the key to warfare; outranks them all to win, you need a lot of good counsel. Proverbs 24 Wisdom – a : accumulated philosophical or scientific…