Ever think that your journey and your story could be used to change someone’s life? I realize most of the time as we go through struggles, sometime significant, we usually end up focusing on our situation, our challenges and our…
Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together. Vincent Van Goth The journey to greatness is made up of many small things over time. To achieve something great rarely takes place over…
I’m reading a great book. HQ, The Hope Quotient by Ray Johnston. It makes a very powerful statement. “Most of us are waiting on a change in circumstances, but what we really need is a change in perspective. Do we…
You can make a difference! Had a great conversation with Ben last night. He made an observation that he felt like he was at his current company for a reason. He felt like there was more he could do, more…
A good reputation is better than a fat bank account. Your death date tells more than your birth date. Eccl. 7:1 There is a new country song, There Is A Last Time For Everything by Brad Paisley that really hits…
“So often the problem is on the system, not on the people. If you put good people in bad systems, you get bad results. You have to water the flowers you want to grow.”Stephen covey I have heard it said…
We will do any what, if the why is big enough! I think clarity may be the number one issue facing companies, churches and people. We have not taken the time to look at where we are and where we…
It takes more than talk to keep workers in line; mere words go in one ear and out the other. Proverbs 29 A great leadership quote states, “They don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.”…
Do your best and judge your self against your self and your best and nobody else! Great quote I heard from a mom on the radio. Great advice she was giving her kids. I think we could all take a…