Change happens in the process of moving forward. Great thought today Pastor Michael. When we are afraid to take a chance, afraid to move forward we are stuck. Wether it is work, relationships, health, relocating or whatever the opportunity might…
God is going to solve the worlds problems through you today. Heard this great thought this past week while driving. I don’t know about you but I usually don’t include myself in this kind of thought. Born in Atlanta, went…
From my new book Choices. Chapter 3 Self Health. Be encouraged, you can’t do it wrong. You can’t break it. If you have never done these small steps before then there is plenty of grace for this new journey. So…
If you stop learning, you stop leading. From The Secret by Blanchard and Miller. Leaders learn. If you want to stay ahead of your competitors, keep reading, listening and learning. If you want to be a better employee, better spouse,…
The call is not perfection, it is aim! What an interesting thought. Do we think one day we will arrive? If we do everything just right. Work hard. Practice. Read more. Learn more. Work longer. Work more. If we do…
From 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey To try to change outward attitudes and behaviors does very little good in the long run if we fail to examine the basic paradigms from which those attitudes and behaviors…
The valley is just the next step to the next mountain top! Great perspective from a young man I was talking to today. He said he had been going through some really tough times these past few months and life…
If you can! Everything is possible for one who believes. Mark 9:23 The book ask “if you can”? And then answers the question. Everything is possible if you believe. Did it mention your family requirements? Did it mention that you…
I thought I would share a short section of my new book “Choices”. These few lines are from Chapter 2, Self(Clarity). Hope you enjoy. “As you process the impact and journey of your past, you will have the opportunity to…
You don’t like what you are receiving, look at what you are sowing! Great thought! Do you find yourself ever asking yourself why do the good things always happen to them. It seems like that kind of stuff rarely comes…
From Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey “As we loosened up our old perception of our son and developed value-based motives, new feelings began to emerge. We found ourselves enjoying him instead of comparing or judging him….