Its not what you do, it’s whatever you do. Great line. Have you ever considered it’s not about what you do but about how you do whatever you do? In other words, life is too short to spend fretting over…
When things go wrong, do we spend time asking why and trying to figure out what happened? Maybe even dabble in a little blame for a moment? Or, do we look at our situation and try to find out what…
When an opportunity confronts you that is not exactly the right think to do but it will be really good for you and no one will probably ever find out, what do you do? If the person at the register…
Did you know that it is ok that you are not good at everything. The good lord put all of these differently gifted people on the earth for a reason. To get things done. Some love numbers, some love to…
“Our capacity to grow determines our capacity to lead” Ken Blanchard and Mark Miller from the book Great Leaders Grow. I know the current stage of your life may not seem like the right time to be working on yourself,…
So, speaking of your health, how are things going? New years resolutions, yearly goals, you know the drill. How are you doing on the getting in better shape, losing a few lbs and trying eat better? You do realize that…
Ever think that your journey and your story could be used to change someone’s life? I realize most of the time as we go through struggles, sometime significant, we usually end up focusing on our situation, our challenges and our…
Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together. Vincent Van Goth The journey to greatness is made up of many small things over time. To achieve something great rarely takes place over…
I’m reading a great book. HQ, The Hope Quotient by Ray Johnston. It makes a very powerful statement. “Most of us are waiting on a change in circumstances, but what we really need is a change in perspective. Do we…