“A well run company is boring and quiet. Emergency and crisis have been planned for or addressed.” Peter Drucker I’m not sure I completely agree with Mr. Drucker but there is a lot of truth to his observation. When we as…
“There are times when we want to tell the world how unfair life is. But only by taking action can we pull ourselves out of the pits we find ourselves in. Hoping, wishing, denying, crying, cussing, fussing, moaning, blaming, and…
“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” Stephen Covey Great stuff. I know I’m totally guilty. Head down, focused, making things happen, checking boxes, kicking butt and taking names and then it…
“The smallest action always surpasses the greatest intention.” John Maxwell from his book “No Limits” Had a great conversation with a CFO/COO last week. (Keep up the good work Russ). He mentioned he was reading a new book he had…
Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together. Vincent Van Goth The journey to greatness is made up of many small things over time. To achieve something great rarely takes place over…
“Good things happen to a team when a player takes the place where he adds the most value. Great things happen when all the players on the team take the roll that maximizes their strengths – their talent, skill and…
It’s the diligent farmer who gets the produce. As we discussed in yesterday’s blog (https://www.choiceconsultingman.com/diligence-phase-one-prep-work/) it is the prep work that creates the opportunity for a bumper crop. For stellar results. If you have taken the time to prep the…
It’s the diligent farmer who gets the produce. What a great quote and how appropriate for the current world we are living in. With the bombardment of bad news we receive on a daily basis, it is getting more and…