April 29, 2019


My new book Choices will be coming out soon. It is the Choices we make that determine our direction. I heard a great statement yesterday. (Great Job Pastor Michael. mwchurch.com)

” If it is not a priority today, it will not be a priority tomorrow.”

I know most of us wish we were farther along in our career, our finances, our relationships, our retirement planning, our journey but have we ever stopped to question why we are not where we hoped we would be or where we wish we could be? Choices! We must decide every day what are the most important things we need to work on to move us toward the results we are looking for in our lives.

If it is not a priority today, it will not be a priority tomorrow. We need to make a decision to make the results of our journey a driver of our behavior and decisions. One note for you. You may need to push the fear of the unknown aside and take some chances. Try a little faith that if you rearrange some of your priorities you might begin to impact the results you are hoping for. I know for sure if you do not know where you want to go or what you would like the outcome to be, that what you work on really does not matter.

Choices Create Change. Take a few minutes today and make some decisions on your priorities so that tomorrow you will be focused on the most important things for your life and your journey.

You got this!


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