I’m reading a great book. HQ, The Hope Quotient by Ray Johnston. It makes a very powerful statement. “Most of us are waiting on a change in circumstances, but what we really need is a change in perspective.
Do we always have control over our circumstance? No! But, we do have control over how we react to our circumstances and what we do during the circumstances. Have you ever stopped and considered that this current circumstance could be there to teach you something new?
They say 90% plus of everything we worry about never happens. So instead of worrying, blaming and complaining we should look a little closer at the situation we find ourselves in and see if there is something to learn from it. Will we let this awful situation take us down or be a stepping stone to take us to a whole new level?
“Most of us are waiting on a change in circumstances, but what we really need is a change in perspective.”
Take a few minutes this week and see if there might be something good for you to glean from the current challenges you find yourself enduring.
The response to your challenge is your Choice!
Choices Create Change!
Good stuff!
Thanks man!
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