July 22, 2020

Clarity Break

Tenzin Priyadarshi

“If there is no stillness, there is no silence. If there is no silence, there is no insight. If there is no insight, there is no clarity.”

What I have learned is that if I do not create time to get off by myself and think about my company, my finances, my family and my life, I find myself doing the same things, getting the same results and getting frustrated. The way the good Lord has created our brain helps us anticipate, plan and grow. The challenge most of us have is setting aside the time to let our brain help us.

I had a division president who told me to go take a clarity break and think about my business. I had recently been promoted and had a lot more responsibilities. I ask him what “thinking about my business” meant. He said take a blank notebook, a handful of reports and go sit and think for an hour. I took his advice and put an appointment on my calendar for an hour meeting with myself. As I sat in my truck overlooking the lake and started looking through some of the reports I had brought with me, a funny thing happened. I begin to see things and think of things that I started writing down. I had new thoughts and even some new plans. I had clarity about the next hires, some new goals and even some production challenges I needed to address.

The challenge we have have is forcing ourselves to take the time to get quiet, think and dream. If you create the quiet and the time, your brain will begin to fill up your paper with new thoughts and strategies. So, plan an hour in the next week to take a clarity break. Schedule an hour with yourself. Take some reports or information with you, bring a blank notepad or Ipad and see what happens. It will change your life. Then, put this as a recurring meeting once a month.

You got this! Go crush it this week! Let me know if I can help.



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