February 10, 2017

Discovering Your Gifts

Did you know that it is ok that you are not good at everything. The good lord put all of these differently gifted people on the earth for a reason. To get things done. Some love numbers, some love to hold babies, some like to talk, some like minutiae, some like the big picture.   So, what are you good at? What really excites you and revs up your motor? Those kinds of things are probably some of the things you were born to do!

Did you know if you discover your gifts and then begin using them you will reduce your stress level while increasing your joy? Nothing worse than waking up every day and dreading the job you have to go to. Life is too short not to be doing what you love.

Oh, you are not exactly sure what your gifts or passions might be? Talk to a few people that are close to you and support you and they can share what they have observed in being around you. Then it is up to you to begin to take steps in moving toward doing those things that you love.

Choices Create Change so begin the process of moving into a field or job that really excites you and revs up your motor. Let’s start reducing that stress and increasing that Joy!

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