“The excellent fail more often than the mediocre. They begin more. They attempt more. They attack more. Mastery lives quietly atop a mountain of mistakes.”
From “No Limits” by John Maxwell. (https://store.johnmaxwell.com/No-Limits-Blow-the-Cap-Off-Your-Capacity-Hardcover_p_2793.html)
So after hearing this perspective I don’t feel so bad about some of the mistakes I have made. How about you? It does make sense if we are trying more, pushing forward more, (see the Blog on Action from yesterday https://www.choiceconsultingman.com/2021/03/25/action/) telling that negative voice to be quiet more that we might have a few more failures than others. But now we realize that is a good thing. Pushing forward. Taking a leap of faith. Trying new opportunities can help propel us to the top of the mountain of mastery as we continue to get better and learn and grow.
If we really want to maximize our impact on this world and with our sphere of influence then we must keep trying. We must keep pushing forward. We must keep telling that voice of doubt and fear to be quiet. You can do this. Take that leap of faith and take a chance that the next endeavor or the next lesson you learn will be the catalyst to something amazing!!
Get a copy of my book “Choices”. https://www.choiceconsultingman.com/choices/