April 4, 2019

Life Killers

From The Hope Quotient by Ray Johnston

5 life killers:

  1. Bitterness and resentment – nothing will keep you from looking forward and growing than when you are contstanly frustrated that somebody else got something better than you or things turned out better for them than you. That “It’s just not fair” attitude is a killer and hard to be around.
  2. Worry and anxiety – can we really do anything about it? Will losing sleep, being depressed, worried sick really help anything? The Good Book says ” Be anxious for nothing!” They say that over 90% of the things we worry about never happen. Let it go and move on.
  3. Looking back and comparing – I think that some reflection into our past is healthy and good as long as we only take what we can learn and quickly move on. There is no way you can get where you want to go while looking back. You will run off the road, crash and kill yourself and maybe someone with you. Let’s keep our eyes ahead and keep moving forward!
  4. Guilt – it may have been your fault but that is in the past, we need to let it go and move on. You know they have and even if they haven’t, that’s on them, not on you!
  5. Past failures – once again, there are some things to learn from our failures so let’s spend a few minutes looking back and understanding what happened and then move on. Everyone fails. Most of the greatest people in the world have had catastrophic failures but they keep going. Pushing ahead. Trying new things. You need to as well!

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