“Sometimes the size of our platform isn’t what matters, it is the quality, depth and impact.” Tony Dungy
I don’t know about you but I often find myself thinking about doing more. Reaching more. Growing and increasing the size of my audience, my meetings, my company, my speaking, etc. Now, don’t get me wrong, I think these are all things we should be working on. Getting better and expanding our reach and impact is super important but, what is the price I’m willing to pay? Am I looking past small opportunities that could be huge catalyst in a persons walk or a small companies journey?
I’ll have to admit, the answer is sometimes yes. I find myself looking for and even praying for new and bigger opportunities which, once again I think is fine and normal, but! Tony Dungy reminded me, again (not the first time I have drifted off the path and lost my focus) that I need to take each opportunity I get and maximize my impact into this person, these people, this small organization. I forget how life changing this could be for someone or for some small organization. I feel like I am called to serve. To help individuals and organizations (of all sizes) reach their full potential and inspire that change with passion. So, for me it was a wake up call to get back to what I am called to do. Serve, share, influence and inspire. Every time! All the time!
As Tony reminded me, “It’s not the size of the platform but the quality, depth and impact we make with the platform we are given.” Thanks Tony