July 21, 2019

Our response is our choice!

It’s not what happens to us, but our response to what happens to us that hurts us.

Ever heard someone say, “they make me so mad!” How about, ” they made me do it!” How about, ” I just could not help it!” I don’t think we realize that we have the choice of how to respond. If you choose to be mad we don’t need to blame it on somebody else. If we choose to get even, if we choose to hold a grudge, if we choose to gossip, if we choose to have a pity party, those behaviors are all on us!

Its time we step up, grow up and take responsibility for our actions and our reactions. Our behavior is our choice. I have heard incredible stories of chatastrophic circumstances where people have decided to not let the situation define them and go on to do amazing things because they chose a different path. So it’s time for us to do the same. Let’s make a decision to own our responses and even try to react positively and proactively to help the situation instead of taking our toys and going home!

It’s not what happens to us, but our response to what happens to us that hurts us!

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