In Stephen Covey’s book, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, he shares a principle of managing your day, your week, your month, even your year. It is the Time Management Matrix. In his matrix he unpacks the four areas of our time. Q1- Urgent/ Important. Q2- Not Urgent/ Important. Q3 – Not Important/ Urgent. Q4 – Not Important/ Not Urgent.
Moving toward a more Quadrant II management style really helps us with the devastating reactive responses to hour by hour and day by day challenges. You know how it feels when you have run around, responded and reacted all day and when you get home you are so frustrated because I did not get anything done! In Quadrant II, we find ourselves moving toward a more predictable management of what is really important. What do I need to do to make the biggest impact? What can I delegate or give away to help me focus on what is most important and how can I make the biggest impact?
One of the things we learn as we try to adjust our priorities, task list and schedule to more Quadrant II living, is the importance of clarity. Understanding our purpose, our mission, our values, and our people. There are five ways that this move to Quadrant II management really impacts our journey, our department, our company, and even our family.
- It is Principle Centered – seeing your time in the context of what is really important and effective.
- It is Conscience-Directed – organizing your life and task in harmony with your values.
- It defines your unique mission, including values and long term goals. This gives direction and purpose to the way you spend each day.
- It helps you balance your life by identifying roles. setting goals and scheduling activities based on your roles.
- It gives better context through weekly organizing. (adapting daily as needed) Rising above the limiting perspective of a single day and putting you in touch with your deepest values through reviewing your key roles. Continuing to look farther down the road and not just the next minute, next hour, or the next day.
Results: A primary focus on relationships and results and a secondary focus on time!
You got this! Download 7 Habits of Highly Effective People or order a copy today and start your new Quadrant II journey today!
Great post! Like many, I struggle a lot with Quadrant II, because the “urgent” can be so hard to ignore.
Thanks for the response.
Keep crushing it Mickey!