Heard a great lesson on the perspective of difficult times versus the really good times. Sometimes we refer to the bad times as valleys and the good times as mountain tops. There were some very interesting points I took away from this lesson. Thought I would share and maybe it might be helpful to you and your journey.
The valley and the shadows we face:
- Valley’s are certain to come in our lives
- Valley’s are unpredictable
- Valley’s are transitory. They don’t last
- Valley’s should be purposeful
- You don’t have mountain tops without valleys
- Shadows – we are fearful of the shadows even though the shadow is not real. Most of the time the shadow is much bigger than the actual person or object!
- The bigger the shadow the more light it blocks out. We need the light to expose the truth.
- It is not the shadow that causes the damage. The shadow is not a real object.
- Shadows don’t exist without light.
We have a choice when we are going through valleys or we have shadows creating fear and uncertainty. We can choose to not be afraid but to press on and begin to climb out of that valley.
You got this!
ah yes this is so with the ying and yang of life.. one without the other is impossible! light and shadow, joy and sadness, life and death etc…etc…