June 4, 2020

What are you receiving?

You don’t like what you are receiving, look at what you are sowing!

Great thought! Do you find yourself ever asking yourself why do the good things always happen to them. It seems like that kind of stuff rarely comes my way. Did you ever stop to examine what you are dishing out?

You know the farmers know that 100% of the time the seeds that you plant produce that type of plant. Every Time! Plant corn seeds, get corn. Plant grass seed, get grass. Plant acorns and get oak trees. So maybe we should spend a few minutes and look at what kind of seeds we are planting everyday!

Personally what kind of seeds are you planting for your life, your future, your business, your relationships and your career. Same question for your finances, your marriage, your kids, your growth, for everything.

If you want great things out of your life, out of your finances, out of your marriage, with your kids, out of your career, you have to plant some great seeds. What are great seeds. We will look into that next time!



  1. I have been sourcing this in my life, recognizing the fruits of my labor and what turns in my life I needed to make adjustments to recognize what seeds are the right seeds and to experience them growing has opened my eyes to see what surrounds me in my daily routine and in others around me

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