Work is love made visible.
I heard this quote and I’m not sure if everyone would agree. I know of a lot of people who do not really enjoy what they do. They tolerate their job and look forward to the end of everyday and get super excited when Friday rolls around so they can have an entire weekend away from work. I think this would be a tough way to walk this journey called life.
I believe we all have unique gifts and passions and have been placed on this earth and in our circumstance and sphere of influence for a reason. Life is too short to dread getting up every morning to go make the donuts and our anticipation for the day is when will this be over so I can go home. Find something that makes a difference in the world or in the people around you!
I would like to throw out a challenge for 2021. What revs your motor? What excites you? What are some things you love to do? Why don’t you try doing more of those things. Maybe volunteer or serve somewhere and use these passions. As you practice and get better at these passions begin to look around to see if there are organizations that could use that gift or passion and would pay you for your talent. Try it!
Life is too short to dread what we do. To only live for quitting time or weekends. Let’s use 2021 as a catalyst to create a new journey. Let’s move toward what we love. What we are passionate about. Take a little faith and jump. I believe the money will follow your passion!!