So, speaking of your health, how are things going?
New years resolutions, yearly goals, you know the drill. How are you doing on the getting in better shape, losing a few lbs and trying eat better?
You do realize that our health is a life long journey, not a yearly goal to try to catch up or correct. In Younger Next Year by Chris Crowley ( Great book, Thank you Mr. Roy!) the 2 authors, a gerontologist and a 75 year old guy, his best friend made this statement. “Your body is your second job and you must go to it everyday.” The only chance of finishing this life well, regardless of how old you are today, is to work on yourself daily. You do realize the good Lord only gave you one vehicle to ride in for these 50,60,70,80,90,100 years, right? So that means we have a little responsibility to take care of this human machine.
I probably have an unfair advantage. My dad had a stroke at 52 and never got a chance to do things with me and my brothers and sisters and my kids, his grand kids, like he wanted to. (Read more in my new book Choices) So I have this driving goal to stay in as good as shape as I can so I can do things with my kids and grand kids that my dad missed out on. My goal is to hit the gym 6 days a week and try to watch my weight by making better food choices(most of the time)😏
It is a life choice, everyday, every week, every year. Not perfect. Yes I miss. Yes I eat peanut m&ms sometimes. Yes I eat gravy and biscuits at my moms house sometimes, but, the next day I’m back at the gym, eating my yogurt and granola taking my supplements. My second job, ME!
Ok, new homework. Join me! You can do It!
Choices Create Change!
Great book. Read it a few years ago. Exercise. You’ll feel better and make a better at the funeral. Ken